Lirik Lagu Empire Ants – Gorillaz feat Little Dragon dan Fakta di Baliknya

Berikut lirik lagu Empire Ants yang dibawakan Gorillaz feat Little Dragon.
Berikut lirik lagu Empire Ants yang dibawakan Gorillaz feat Little Dragon. /YouTube/Gorillaz

Empire Ants – Gorillaz feat Little Dragon

Oh joy's arise
The sun has come again to hold you
Sailing out the doldrums of the whole week
The polyphonic prairies here, it's all around you
It's all around you, out here

And if the whole world is crashing down
Fall through space out of mind again
Where the emptiness we leave behind on warm air rising
Blows all the shadows far away

The falling alcohol empire, is here to hold you
Rolling out and haunted 'til it sleeps

Little memories, marching on
Your little feet, working the machine
Will it spin, will it soar
My little dream, working the machine

Soon like a wave that pass will fall
And closing in on you they're going on

Little memories
Your little feet, working the machine
Will it spin, will it soar
My little dream, working the machine

Soon like a wave that pass will fall
And closing in on you they're going on


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