Food Supply and Demand: Key Factors in the Food Crisis

Ilustrasi. Jokowi singgung masalah krisis pangan di Indonesia.
Ilustrasi. Jokowi singgung masalah krisis pangan di Indonesia. /Pixabay/DEZALB

PIKIRAN RAKYAT — A food crisis occurs when the availability of sufficient food for a given population cannot be fulfilled sufficiently, both in terms of quantity and quality. This crisis is a serious problem that could threaten the stability of sufficient global food.

The impacts of this problem could lead to serious social, economic, and political issues. This crisis could also be temporary or sustained depending on the accompanying factors.

The closest example of a food crisis to this era was the worldwide outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic affected global supply chains and increased the fragility of food crises in many countries.

It is essential to take a closer look at the factors that trigger the food crisis to understand the leading causes of this problem. The following details are the crucial causes of the food crisis and the impact of it:

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1. Insufficient Food Production

Insufficient food production is the main cause of the food crisis, which could caused by bad weather, floods, dryness, or pest outbreaks that reduce agricultural production. Additionally, insufficient food production can lead to chronic hunger and long-term health problems, such as stunting in children in all affected areas.

2. Unstable Food Supply

Supply chain disruptions, such as transport, storage, or distribution, can lead to limited food availability. This unstable food supply could trigger social tensions and conflicts, especially in regions already at risk of political instability.

3. Increased Demand for Food

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