33 People Are Still Missing Due Gorontalo Landslide: Fragile Mine, Once Closed, Residents Still Ignorant

The process of evacuating the bodies of landslide victims in Tulabolo Village, East Suwawa, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo.
The process of evacuating the bodies of landslide victims in Tulabolo Village, East Suwawa, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo. Antara Foto/Adiwinata Solihin.

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - A landslide disaster struck a mining area in East Tulabolo Village, East Suwawa District, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, on Sunday, July 7, 2024. The number of victims who were found dead has now reached 23 people.

Based on recorded and confirmed data on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 23.00 WITA, the total number of victims reached 173 people. That figure includes people who are still declared missing.

"The details are that 23 people died, 81 people survived, and 33 people are still being searched," said the Head of the Gorontalo Search and Rescue Office, Hariyanto.

Most of the survivors of the landslide disaster that occurred on Saturday, July 6, 2024 night suffered injuries to broken bones. At this time, they are undergoing treatment in the hospital.

Entering the third day after the incident, the number of joint SAR teams conducting searches at the location has increased. There was an elite team specially brought in from the Central Basarnas to personnel from the North Sulawesi Search and Rescue Office.

The evacuation process, which previously took extra time and effort, is easier and faster due to the assistance of the AW 169 Register 0-3304 Helicopter belonging to the Baharkam Police brought in by the Gorontalo Police Chief.

"Considering that it was already dark, the search process at the location until the evacuation was temporarily stopped and began to resume this morning," said Hariyanto.

In addition, joint personnel at the Tulabolo Village SAR Post also continue to collect data and information related to the number and identity of the victims to make it easier for the family to find the whereabouts of their family members.

Hariyanto said that until now most of the East Suwawa District, Bone Bolango, is still raining with moderate intensity.

Evacuation by Helicopter

Illustration corpse.
Illustration corpse. Pikiran Rakyat/Fian Afandi.

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