Polemics Over Foreign Doctors: Indonesian Government Urged To Strengthen Mapping Before Implementing Policies

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Disclaimer: This article is an editorial that highlights the problems in Indonesia today

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - The programme to bring in foreign doctors to address the shortage of doctors in Indonesia has been widely discussed again recently, especially after the removal of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Airlangga University, Budi Santoso (which has since ended peacefully). Before implementation, the government is urged to create appropriate and adequate domestic mapping and regulations.

Head of the Medical and Health Cluster of the Indonesian International Scientists Association, Dr. Iqbal Mochtar, stated that the procurement of foreign doctors in the world is not something new. The presence of foreign doctors for the transfer of knowledge or technology is a common occurrence.

Various countries have implemented the program, including the United States, England, Canada, Australia, etc. But there are also countries that refuse to use foreign doctors to practice, such as Japan, South Korea, China, and India.

Meanwhile, Iqbal believes that there are still many obstacles and solutions that must be clarified or sought first before implementing the foreign doctor procurement policy in Indonesia. One of them is regarding the unclear basis and objectives.

“It has been said that Indonesia lacks the number of doctors when compared to the population ratio. But, what are the criteria for the shortage of doctors? Which areas are in need? What kind of doctors are needed? How many? If there are specialist doctors, what specializations are needed? Before running the program, adequate mapping needs to be done,” said Iqbal in the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Media Briefing which was held virtually with the theme “How Should the Regulations for Foreign Doctors Practicing in Indonesia Be?”, on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.

It was substantially stated that the procurement of foreign doctors is needed to overcome the shortage of doctors in Indonesia. If so, Iqbal continued, then thousands of foreign doctors are needed.

"When they are brought in, who will pay them? Are they ready to pay a large salary? If you add it up, won't it affect the cost of treatment?" said Iqbal.

It is well known that doctors working abroad or expatriates in other fields usually receive a higher salary than in their home country. For example, cardiologists in the United States receive a take-home pay of Rp 400-600 million per month, in addition to other benefits.

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