The Beautiful View at Seribu Tangga Hill in West Lombok

Illustration - The beauty of a thousand stairs hill located in West Lombok.
Illustration - The beauty of a thousand stairs hill located in West Lombok. Pexels/Lisa Fotios.

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Seribu Tangga Hill in Jalan Raya Bangko Bangko, Batu Putih Village, Sekotong District, West Lombok Regency, is a tourist destination renowned for it's stunning natural panorama.

One of the main attractions of Seribu Tangga (a thousand stairs) Hill is the stairs that must be traversed to reach the top. Although challenging, the journey through these stairs provides a unique and satisfying experience. Each step brings you closer to the top with increasingly breathtaking beautiful views.

The hike up Seribu Tangga Hill is more than just a physical challenge; it’s a journey through an array of picturesque and Instagram-worthy spots. You can capture the moment with spectacular natural scenery in the background.

Nature enthusiasts will particularly appreciate the hill’s rich biodiversity. Seribu Tangga Hill is also a habitat for various types of flora and fauna, and it is not uncommon to encounter a variety of birds and small animals during the hike. This makes the experience even more enriching.

The climax of the hike is the panoramic view from the top of the hill. From here, you can enjoy a wide, blue sea with a beautiful stretch of coastline. This view is stunning, especially in sunny weather, where the sea seems to shimmer in the sunlight.

The hill is surrounded by dense forests and lush vegetation, providing a fresh green atmosphere. The combination of green trees and blue skies creates a very soothing and refreshing ambiance, perfect for those seeking a peaceful retreat into nature.

One of the hill’s most magical moments is witnessing the sunrise and sunset. The view of the sun rising and setting behind the ocean horizon gives a magical and mesmerizing impression.

Located away from the hustle and bustle city, Seribu Tangga Hill offers a calm and peaceful environment. It is the perfect place to unwind, meditate, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature without distractions. The tranquility of the place allows visitors to disconnect from daily stress and immerse themselves in the serene natural surroundings.

Seribu Tangga Hill is a remarkable tourist destination that showcases the extraordinary natural beauty of West Lombok’s natural landscape. With it's vast ocean views, dense green forests, challenging yet rewarding hiking trails, dan interesting photo spots, this hill is a perfect place to enjoy the beauty of nature and seek tranquility. This hill not only offers a physical adventure but also a serene escape into nature’s lap, making it a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to the region.*** (Politeknik Negeri Bandung/Sintia Yuliana)

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