A Mutilated Body was Found Scattered on the Side of Cibalong Highway Garut

Ilustrasi jenazah.
Ilustrasi jenazah. /Pikiran Rakyat/Fian Afandi

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - A body of a man who was suspected of being a victim of mutilation was found scattered on the side of Jalan Raya Cibalong, Garut Regency. The body was found by residents on Sunday, June 30, 2024, at around 12:00 p.m.

“The victim is suspected to be a murder victim, the finding was at 12.00 p.m.,” said the Head of Criminal Investigation of the Garut Police, AKP Ari Ronaldo to reporters.

Based on the results of the crime scene processing, the body was found in a sack. The condition of the body was divided into several parts. Currently, the victim’s body has been evacuated to the hospital to find out his identity. Ari said that the police are currently conducting an investigation process related to the discovery.

“We are still investigating,” he said.

Viral on Social Media

Previously, a video containing footage of the discovery of a man's body cut into several parts had been circulated. The video also went viral on social media. In the video, it can be seen that the victim’s body was cut into three parts: the body, the waist, and the legs.

“Astaghfirullah, cannibal,” said the videographer.

Based on information from residents around the crime scene, previously a man was carrying a sack. Allegedly, the sack contained the victim’s mutilated body. Not long after that, residents found a body cut into pieces around the roadside. Then, they reported the discovery to the police.

A Person with Mental Disorders Kill His Fellow

Ilustrasi garis polisi (police line).
Ilustrasi garis polisi (police line).

It is known from the video circulating on social media that the perpetrator of the mutilation is a person with a mental disorder, whereas the victim is a person with a mental disorder as well. Reporting from the X account, @dhemit**** shows two videos where the video before the murder, the perpetrator is seen walking with the victim while both hands are tied to a cloth.

The next video shows residents who knew about the murder accompanied by mutilation, the perpetrator cut the victim's body and put it in a sack into several parts.

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