Police Launch an Investigation into the Incident of the Trigana Airplane Shooting in Dekai Papua

Kapolda Papua Irjen Pol Mathius D. Fakhiri.
Kapolda Papua Irjen Pol Mathius D. Fakhiri. /Antara/Muhammad Adimaja

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - The police conducted a crime scene investigation on the incident involving the Trigana Air PK YSC B 373-500 plane, which was shot by an unknown person (OTK). The plane was shot when it was landing and taking off at Nop Goliat Dekai Airport, Yahukimo, Papua, on Saturday, March 11, 2023, at 14.06 local time.

The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, explained that the crime scene investigation was carried out on Sunday, March 12, 2023, by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jayapura Regional Police.

The investigation was conducted inside the plane, specifically in passenger seats 7C and 8D and on the floor near seat 7C.

"After the passengers who were victims of the incident disembarked from the plane, the airline and we communicated with them, and they requested to go straight home," Benny said in his press release.

Baca Juga: Wings Air Hentikan Sementara Penerbangan Sentani-Dekai, Buntut Trigana Air Ditembak KKB

"There were indeed some scratches on the face of one of the passengers, but they requested to go home directly because the injury was not too serious," he continued.

"We also examined the bottom of the plane and the front compartment of the plane," he said.

Meanwhile, in response to the incident, as many as one Mobile Brigade Corps company (Brimob) has been deployed by the Papua Regional Police to strengthen security in Dekai, Yahukimo Regency, Papua Province.

Papua Police Chief, Irjen Pol Mathius Fakhiri, explained that the additional deployment was in response to security disturbances caused by an armed criminal group (KKB) that had fired at a commercial plane.

Throughout March, there were several security disturbances carried out by the KKB, some of which resulted in casualties. The latest security disturbance was even a shooting incident against a Boeing 737-500 plane. "The KKB also shot dead two civilians and one soldier," he said.

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