Indonesia Leads Finalization of Timor Leste's ASEAN Membership Roadmap as Nation Set to Become 11th Member

Illustration Timor Leste's flag.
Illustration Timor Leste's flag. /ANTARA/Rina Nur Anggraini

PIKIRAN RAKYAT – International relations analyst from Indonesia, Dinna Prapto Raharja, believes that Timor Leste can soon join the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) because no significant obstacles are remaining.

"There are no more significant obstacles for Timor Leste to join ASEAN. Only procedural matters that still need to be passed" said Dinna.

Dinna explained that ASEAN leaders have agreed in principle to accept Timor Leste as the 11th member at the November 2022 meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Since then, Timor Leste representatives have been allowed to attend several ASEAN meetings as observers, including the meeting of foreign ministers of Southeast Asian countries in February.

Baca Juga: Timor Leste Segera Jadi Anggota ASEAN, Indonesia Pimpin Pembentukan Roadmap

Foreign ministers of ASEAN countries have established a mandate in the form of a working group under the ASEAN Coordinating Council (ACC) to discuss a roadmap for Timor Leste's full membership. This roadmap contains steps that Timor Leste must take to fully participate as an ASEAN member. These steps include the agreements or treaties that must be fulfilled, the procedures that must be followed, the formation of envoys, the appointment of ambassadors, and Timor Leste's contributions to ASEAN.

Dinna explained that Indonesia appreciates Timor Leste's presence as an ASEAN member. According to her, the former Indonesian province's presence is essential for Indonesia and other ASEAN countries, considering the current geopolitical situation.

"Timor Leste also needs Indonesia and ASEAN to confront and have bargaining power against Australia. Similarly, Indonesia also needs Timor Leste and ASEAN," explained Dinna.

Baca Juga: Negara-negara ASEAN Sepakat Tinggalkan Dolar Amerika Serikat, Beralih ke Mata Uang Lokal

As the head of ASEAN, Indonesia also needs additional voices to deal with Myanmar in the High-Level Conference (KTT) scheduled for May 2023.

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