The Real Sultan: Meet Agus Suhela, Indonesian Millionaire Who Sends 1.000 Locals on Free Umrah Pilgrimage

The Real Sultan: Meet Agus Suhela, Indonesian Millionaire Who Sends 1,000 Locals on Free Umrah Pilgrimage.
The Real Sultan: Meet Agus Suhela, Indonesian Millionaire Who Sends 1,000 Locals on Free Umrah Pilgrimage. /

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Agus Suhela, a businessman from Bojong Koneng, Desa Telagamurni, West Cikarang, Bekasi has been making waves on social media after sending 1,000 people from two neighborhoods (Rukun Tetangga/RT) on Umrah pilgrimage to Mecca. Suhela, who is known as “the real sultan.” has been seen as a hero to the community and has been inundated with requests from people who want to take part in the free pilgrimage.

In Indonesia, the term "sultan" is no longer used to denote nobility or political power. Instead, it is often used more loosely to refer to individuals who are wealthy or influential in their communities.

According to reports, Suhela has been selecting eligible candidates for the free pilgrimage since 2019 and has been gradually sending them to Mecca at no cost. Each year, around 60 people from RT 1 or 2 in Bojong Koneng have been able to make the journey thanks to Suhela's generosity.

"When it comes to people from Bojong Koneng, we've sent about 1,000 of them to make the pilgrimage, with around 60 people going each year," said Suhela, as quoted by on May 12, 2023.

Baca Juga: Sultan Bojong Koneng Viral Umrahkan Warga 2 RT, Kesaksian Warga Bikin Merinding

Since the news of Suhela's philanthropic efforts went viral, many residents in the area have come forward to share their own experiences with the businessman. They have confirmed that Suhela has been running the free pilgrimage program for several years now. While Suhela's wealth may be evident from his luxurious home, many residents admit to not knowing him well personally.

Suhela is a businessman and the developer of Saipul Putra Sakti (SPS), a housing development company. It's worth noting that the program was put on hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which hit Indonesia in 2019. The first group was only able to make the pilgrimage in March 2022.

Despite this delay, Suhela's efforts to make the pilgrimage accessible to the less fortunate in his community have not gone unnoticed and have earned him the nickname "Sultan Bojong Koneng" or "Bos Saipul."

Why Umrah Pilgrimage is A Thing Among Muslims

Umrah is a sacred pilgrimage that is performed by Muslims to the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Unlike the Hajj pilgrimage, which is mandatory for all able-bodied Muslims who can afford to make the journey at least once in their lifetime, Umrah is a voluntary act of worship.

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