Controversy Surrounds the Death of 13-Year-Old Afif Maulana in Padang, Indonesia

Foto kedua orang tua Afif Maulana yang ditemukan meninggal di bawah jembatan Kuranji Padang
Foto kedua orang tua Afif Maulana yang ditemukan meninggal di bawah jembatan Kuranji Padang /LBH Padang

Disclaimer: This article is an editorial that highlights the problems in Indonesia today.

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - A 13-year-old boy in Padang, West Sumatra, Afif Maulana lost his life reportedly due to police torture. However, the officers denied that Afif Maulana was tortured by their members before he died during the examination of 39 personnel involved in the brawl dispersal incident.

However, this contradicts the attitude of the advocate team of the Padang Legal Aid Institute (LBH) and the victim's family, who believe Afif Maulana was tortured before he died.

These different chronologies were evidenced by the photos shown. There are bruises all over the body of the victim, Afif Maulana (13).

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The red-blue scars were found on the back and the left back ribs. In addition, the front of the corpse also has the same bruises on the left abdomen and ribs.

"Near the abdomen there is a green bruised. Like there are shoe prints. Traces of shoes being kicked. Then this hand here has been hit like a punch... Then there is on the back here. That strengthens that there was torture," said Anggun Anggraini.

The mother of two also did not accept that her "innocent" child was said to be going to join a fight.

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The press conference organized by LBH Padang was a response to the West Sumatra Police statement.

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