10 Ucapan Hari Ayah Nasional dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia

Ilustrasi Hari Ayah Nasional.
Ilustrasi Hari Ayah Nasional. /Pixabay/Candelario Gomez Lopez Pixabay/Candelario Gomez Lopez

PIKIRAN RAKYAT – Dapatkan 10 ucapan Hari Ayah Nasional lengkap. Deretan caption tersebut tersedia di dalam Bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya yakni Bahasa Indonesia, jangan sungkan mengunggahnya di media sosial.

Hari Ayah Nasional akan tiba pada Minggu, 12 November 2023 mendatang. Pastikan kamu tidak ketinggalan momen tersebut, jangan lupa ucapkan selamat, kata-kata yang indah, atau memberikan hadiah kepada ayahmu yang sangat berjasa.

10 ucapan Hari Ayah Nasional dalam Bahasa Inggris

  1. Dad, thank you for all the things you do for this family every day. You're the best!

  2. You make this family fun. We love you, Dad!

  3. Dad, you’re the first person I turn to when I have a question or need some advice. Thank you for always answering.

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  4. Thank you for always being there with your love, guidance and patience.

  5. Dad, thank you for your time, which you give daily; your care, which you give freely and your love, which you give unconditionally. Happy Father's Day!

  6. Although we may be separated, your guidance and love has stuck with me through it all. Happy Father's Day!

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