Bandung City: Exploring The Charming Cultural Destination

Gedung Sate, Kantor Gubernur Jawa Barat, di Kota Bandung.
Gedung Sate, Kantor Gubernur Jawa Barat, di Kota Bandung. /Antara/Novrian Arbi

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Bandung, also known as Paris Van Java, is not only rich in history but also in culture. A home to many interesting travel destinations, Bandung managed to attract many local and international tourists to come visit the wonders of the city.

One of the main attractions of Bandung is its diverse heritage buildings, which have been well maintained for many decades. The European-styled architecture of these buildings stands tall as the remainder of history from Dutch Colonialism in this city. Tourists can visit a number of historical sites, such as Gedung Sate and Villa Isola, both stunning in terms of architecture.

The cuisine of Bandung has also become a magnet for tourism in Bandung. From rich-tasting traditional food to modern delicacies, Bandung will guarantee a delectable culinary experience for its visitors. Specialty snacks such as batagor, mie kocok, and surabi are a few of the tourists favorites.

Access to Bandung is fairly easy. Eight tolls connect the city with neighboring cities, along with options for other transportation such as trains and airplanes. You can travel to Bandung from every corner of the country. This city also offers a variety of accommodations, from five-star hotels to natural homestays.

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Moreover, Bandung is also rather proactive in promoting its local culture, such as the declaration of Bandung as the City of Angklung in 2022. Bandung City Department of Culture and Tourism actively promotes many interesting cultural and artistic events that captivate both domestic and international tourists.

If you like to take selfies and update your feed, Bandung City has many Instagrammable photo spots. Places like Dago Dream Park and Farmhouse Susu Lembang have become popular destinations for taking photos and sharing beautiful moments during the holidays.

With all its uniqueness, Bandung continues to maintain its reputation as a premier tourist destination in Indonesia. Support from the Bandung City Department of Culture and Tourism in promoting and preserving its cultural and natural heritage makes this city an unmissable choice for adventure and nature and beauty enthusiasts.

Interested in exploring the wonders of Bandung? Don't hesitate to plan your trip now to this dynamic city. Bandung awaits with its unparalleled charm, ready to pamper every visitor with its stunning beauty.*** (Politeknik Negeri Bandung/Yeurley Arba Nabila)

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