Indonesian Cleric Slams Israel's ‘Barbaric’ Al Aqsa Assault

Puluhan jemaah di Masjid Al Aqsa jadi korban kebrutalan polisi Israel saat beribadah di bulan Ramadhan.
Puluhan jemaah di Masjid Al Aqsa jadi korban kebrutalan polisi Israel saat beribadah di bulan Ramadhan. //Kolase Twitter @Khaledbeydoun /Kolase Twitter @Khaledbeydoun

PIKIRAN RAKYAT – The former Chairman of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) who currently serves as the Chairman of the Indonesia-Palestine Friendship Initiative, Muhammad Sirajuddin Syamsuddin or Din Syamsuddin, has called Israel's attack on the Al Aqsa Mosque a severe violation of human rights.

"The Israeli army's attack on the Al Aqsa Mosque is truly barbaric and a serious violation of human rights," said Din Syamsuddin in an official statement.

He said it was appropriate for the United Nations (UN) to impose severe sanctions against Israel, which injured many worshippers, including a 12-year-old girl. The former Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Board also condemned Israel's attack as an inhumane and unjustifiable act.

He called on member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to strongly protest and hold emergency meetings to take action against Israel's terrible aggression.

Baca Juga: Israel Serang Masjid Al Aqsa, Din Syamsuddin Desak PBB dan Negara OKI Jatuhkan Sanksi Berat

"By the constitution's mandate (1945 Constitution), the Indonesian government needs to initiate diplomatic and non-diplomatic measures through the OIC and the UN so that Israel is deterred and does not repeat its barbarism," he explained.

He stated that Israel's attack on worshippers at the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian soccer final constitutes a clear violation of human rights and international law and cannot be justified or tolerated.

On April 5, 2023, Israeli police conducted a raid on the Al Aqsa Mosque complex in East Jerusalem. Palestinian residents who stayed behind formed a human barricade in the Qibli prayer room after Jewish settlers incited an attack on the mosque.

Baca Juga: Israel Serang Masjid Al Aqsa, Din Syamsuddin Desak PBB dan Negara OKI Jatuhkan Sanksi Berat

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