Indonesian TikToker Awbimax Criticizes Lampung Government, Faces Legal Problems and Intimidation

TikTokers Awbimax Reborn yang dilaporkan ke polisi usai kritik Lampung.
TikTokers Awbimax Reborn yang dilaporkan ke polisi usai kritik Lampung. /Instagram/@awbimax

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - The Bandarlampung Legal Aid Institute (LBH) and the Bandarlampung Independent Journalist Alliance (AJI) have declared that the reporting against TikToker Awbimax, also known as Bima Yudho, who criticized the Lampung Provincial Government, violates human rights.

The director of LBH Bandarlampung, Sumaindra Jarwadi, emphasized that freedom of expression in public is one of the most fundamental human rights, which is guaranteed by the country's constitution. He cited Article 28 and Article 28E, paragraph (3), of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which grant every person the right to freedom of association, assembly, and expression.

"Protecting and fulfilling these rights is the state's obligation," explained Sumaindra Jarwadi. In addition to constitutional protection, the freedom of assembly and expression is also safeguarded by Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Therefore, LBH Bandarlampung is prepared to offer legal assistance to Bima Yudho and his family in dealing with legal issues stemming from the report made by supporters of the Governor of Lampung Province. "LBH Bandarlampung is ready to serve as legal counsel for Bima," he emphasized.

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The Chairman of AJI Bandarlampung, Dian Wahyu Kusuma, stated that the Information and Electronic Transactions Law (UU ITE) is often used to criminalize and suppress public criticism, which is crucial for evaluating policymakers' performance. "Therefore, if the substance of the criticism is based on facts happening in Lampung, corrective action can be taken by the government," Dian explained.

Dian also urged the government and law enforcement authorities to ensure the safety of Bima and his family, who have reported intimidation. Bima was reported to the police on April 14, 2023, and he claimed that his family was also intimidated. "Bima mentioned in his TikTok post that his family was being profiled by those who tried to silence him," said Dian. She added that it is crucial to protect individuals' freedom of expression and ensure that they are not persecuted for exercising their right to criticize the government.

Previously, Bima Yudho, a Lampung native who is currently studying in Australia, posted a 3-minute, 28-second video on the social media platform TikTok with the username @awbimaxreborn. In the video, Bima Yudho shared his opinion and criticized the lack of progress in Lampung Province, particularly regarding infrastructure development such as roads and public facilities. He also called out corruption in the province's education system, which he claimed had led to inadequate human resources.***

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