Islamic Group PA 212 Calls to Cancel Coldplay's Concert in Indonesia

Band Coldplay yang akan konser di Indonesia.
Band Coldplay yang akan konser di Indonesia. /Dok. VIP Nation

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - The Persaudaraan Alumni (PA) 212 has strongly rejected the upcoming Coldplay concert scheduled to be held at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) on November 15, 2023. PA 212's Deputy Secretary-General, Novel Bamukmin, stated that they are ready to hold a massive demonstration if the concert proceeds as planned. The protest will be similar to what they did in 2012, when they opposed Lady Gaga's visit to Indonesia.

"I am calling on the committee to immediately cancel their plan to bring Coldplay, as there are still many musical groups that do not support the LGBT and atheistic ideologies, and it would be better to prioritize them instead of being affected as happened with the failed Lady Gaga concert, Miss World pageant, and the cancellation of the appearance of the adult film actress, Miyabi," he explained the reason behind his rejection.

PA 212 is a fundamentalist Islamic group that has held large-scale demonstrations rejecting a number of national agendas deemed incompatible with Islamic teachings. The group was formed through "Defend Islam Action" in 2016. The action was a series of protests held in Indonesia, particularly in the city of Jakarta, in response to the statement made by the former Jakarta governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, which was considered blasphemous during his official visit to the Thousand Islands.

In response to Coldplay's perceived support for the LGBT community, Bamukmin has expressed his readiness to mobilize the masses to surround the airport upon the band's arrival in Indonesia. He has called on the concert organizers to cancel their plans immediately, arguing that there are many music groups that do not support LGBT and atheism, and they should not suffer the same fate as Lady Gaga's failed concert, the Miss World pageant, and the cancellation of Japanese adult actress Miyabi's visit.

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In detail, Bamukmin explained that the reason for PA 212's rejection is due to Coldplay's support for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community and their atheist philosophy, which contradicts religious values and the Pancasila principles in Indonesia. Bamukmin called on the Indonesian government to take decisive action to prevent the Coldplay concert from taking place in the country.

"If they were to hold a concert in Indonesia, it would be against the values of Pancasila, because Indonesia is not only the country with the largest Muslim population in the world but also because LGBT is very much against Pancasila values," he said.

Bamukmin also highlighted the concern over the timing of the Coldplay concert, which is scheduled close to the 2024 general election, set for February 14, 2024. PA 212 opposes Coldplay's support for LGBT people and urges the government to reject them to maintain national unity, especially during the political season.

Previously, the Jakarta Metro Police had announced their readiness to secure the Coldplay concert at GBK, Jakarta, on November 15, 2023. The Director of the Jakarta Metro Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Pol Trunoyudo, confirmed that they have established a standard operating procedure to secure the concert.

Meanwhile, the Jakarta Metro Police's Directorate of Intelligence is still processing the license for the Coldplay concert at GBK. There has been no official request yet, but they are coordinating with the organizers.***

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