25 Quotes Lebaran 2024 Bahasa Inggris untuk Caption, Penuh Doa dan Harapan Bijaksana

Ilustrasi Lebaran 2024.
Ilustrasi Lebaran 2024. /Pixabay/jsjcreationsmm

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Menyambut Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1445 Hijriah alias Lebaran 2024 yang tinggal menghitung hari, bagikan doa dan harapan terbaik kepada sesama, lewat media sosial yang merangkum keseruan dan momen bersama orang tersayang.

Datangnya Hari Raya Idul Fitriberlanjut dalam bentuk maaf-maafan, saling memaafkan, dan bersilaturahmi dengan keluarga serta kerabat.

Untuk itu, ini waktu yang tepat untuk merayakan kekayaan keberagaman, menyambut setiap tamu dengan tulus ikhlas, dan menjalani hari-hari yang penuh berkah. Berikut 25 quotes bijak dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menggenapi unggahan Lebaran 2024 Anda di media sosial:

  1. "Happy Eid al-Fitr, may love and peace accompany us in every step of the way."
  2. "On this day of victory, let's open our hearts and forgive all mistakes, welcoming it with sincere forgiveness."
  3. "Eid is the time to be grateful for all the blessings bestowed upon us by Allah."
  4. "May we all experience unparalleled happiness on this Eid, embracing it with full joy."
  5. "Simplicity is the key to true happiness, let's enjoy the beauty of Eid with an open heart."
  6. "Behind the hustle and bustle of Eid, let's not forget the true meaning: unity and peace."
  7. "Eid is a moment to remember the values of brotherhood and mutual respect among fellow beings."
  8. "Forgive mistakes and shortcomings, make room for self-improvement on this blessed day."
  9. "Eid is the time to share love and happiness with our loved ones."
  10. "On this auspicious day, may every step we take be filled with blessings and grace."
  11. "It's never too late to mend relationships, let's start with sincerity on this Eid."
  12. "Eid is not just about festivities, but also about self-reflection and attitude adjustment."
  13. "Let's adorn this festival with smiles and warmth, welcoming every guest with sincerity and kindness."
  14. "Eid is a time to mend broken bonds and rekindle lost connections."
  15. "Welcome guests with open arms, for on this day, we are all brothers and sisters."
  16. "Embrace Eid with an open and loving heart, and every step will feel light and blessed."
  17. "On this day of victory, let's celebrate with gratitude and boundless happiness."
  18. "Eid is the time to set aside ego and arrogance, let's walk hand in hand in genuine brotherhood."
  19. "Eid is the perfect time to mend fractured relationships, starting with forgiveness."
  20. "Happy Eid al-Fitr, may every step we take always be filled with light and blessings."
  21. "On this auspicious day, let's leave behind all sorrow and worry, replacing it with happiness and joy."
  22. "Eid is the perfect time to spread kindness to others, starting with a smile and a kind heart."
  23. "May this year's Eid bring blessings and happiness to us all, Aamiin."
  24. "Eid is the time to strive for self-improvement, becoming better individuals with each passing day."
  25. "On this blessed day, let's welcome each step with gratitude and thankfulness to Allah SWT.". ***

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