The Ongoing Battle Against Plastic Waste in Bandung and Cimahi

Sejumlah relawan gabungan Komunitas, TNI, dan unsur pemerintahan bekerjasama membersihkan sampah yang memenuhi Sungai Citarum di Batujajar, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Kamis (13/6/2024). Berdasarkan data Dinas LHK Provinsi Jawa Barat diperkirakan volume sampah plastik mencapai lebih dari 100 ton di Sungai Citarum kawasan Batujajar tersebut.
Sejumlah relawan gabungan Komunitas, TNI, dan unsur pemerintahan bekerjasama membersihkan sampah yang memenuhi Sungai Citarum di Batujajar, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Kamis (13/6/2024). Berdasarkan data Dinas LHK Provinsi Jawa Barat diperkirakan volume sampah plastik mencapai lebih dari 100 ton di Sungai Citarum kawasan Batujajar tersebut. /Pikiran Rakyat/Armin Abdul Jabbar

Disclaimer: This article is an editorial that highlights the problems in Indonesia today

PIKIRAN RAKYAT — Plastic waste in Bandung City is still a major problem today. Although many efforts have been made to reduce it, significant changes have yet to be seen.

West Java waste practitioner Fei Febri said plastic provides many conveniences in people's daily lives. Therefore, based on her observations, implementing the no-plastic-bag policy in the field still varies.

On the one hand, some shopping stores have successfully reduced plastic bags and replaced them with reusable ones. However, in some traditional markets and small shops, the use of plastic bags is still relatively high.

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"Unfortunately, many also make the mistake of providing paid plastic bags or using paper bags. The purpose of plastic is to facilitate humans without sacrificing trees for paper bag raw materials. In addition, information about this policy tends to be better in urban areas than suburban areas," the CEO of Bank Sampah Bersinar told Pikiran Rakyat on Tuesday, 2 July 2024.

According to Fei, the data shows we have not implemented the no plastic bag policy well. This is evidenced by the volume of plastic waste that tends to remain or even increase due to the lack of government supervision and public awareness.

Fei mentioned several factors that make it difficult for people to avoid plastic bags. One is seemingly trivial habits, such as laziness about bringing their shopping bags. This tends to be difficult to change because plastic bags are usually provided when shopping.

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Ilustrasi sampah kantong plastik.
Ilustrasi sampah kantong plastik.

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