Indonesian Flag Flown Upside Down During SEA Games 2023 Opening Event

Indonesian flag being flown upside down during the opening ceremony of the SEA Games 2023.
Indonesian flag being flown upside down during the opening ceremony of the SEA Games 2023. /YouTube

PIKIRAN RAKYAT – The incident of the Indonesian flag being flown upside down during the opening ceremony of the SEA Games 2023 at the Morodok Techo National Stadium in Phnom Penh on Friday, May 5th, 2023, has sparked controversy. In response to the incident, Cambodian Minister of Education, Youth, and Sports Hang Chuon Naron met with Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports Dito Ariotedjo on Saturday, May 6th, 2023.

Dito Ariotedjo reported that the Cambodian government apologized for the upside-down Indonesian flag incident at the opening of the SEA Games 2023.

"We apologize for the incident (of the upside-down Red and White flag) that happened yesterday. We pray for Indonesia's success in the SEA Games 2023," Cambodian Minister of Youth and Sports Hang Chuon Naron said, as quoted by Dito Ariotedjo.

Dito Ariotedjo expressed hope that the apology from the Cambodian government, delivered by Minister Hang Chuon Naron, would be accepted by the Indonesian public.

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"We apologize, it was not intentional. He (Minister Hang Chuon Naron) really meant it," Dito said.

Previously, the Indonesian flag was flown upside down during the pre-show opening ceremony of the SEA Games 2023 in Cambodia on Friday, May 5th, 2023. Following the incident, the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) immediately lodged an official objection in a letter numbered 5.5.2/NOC-INA/SET/2023, dated May 5th, and addressed to the Secretary General of the NOC Cambodia and CEO CAMSOC Vath Chamroeun.

"The Indonesian NOC officially expresses its objection to CAMSOC for improperly installing the Indonesian flag before the start of the 32nd SEA Games 2023 Opening Ceremony at the Morodok Techno National Stadium, Phnom Phen," said Secretary General Harry Warganegara.

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