Jakarta is on High Flood Alert as Katulampa's Water Level Rises

Pengendara motor melintasi jembatan Bendung Katulampa dengan ketinggian muka air mencapai 50 centimeter pada pukul 10.00 WIB di Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (24/2/2023). Tingginya curah hujan yang mengguyur kawasan Puncak, Bogor sempat membuat ketinggian muka air sungai Ciliwung di Bendung Katulampa, Bogor naik mencapai 100 centimeter atau Siaga 3 pada Jumat (24/2/2023) pukul 1.11 WIB.
Pengendara motor melintasi jembatan Bendung Katulampa dengan ketinggian muka air mencapai 50 centimeter pada pukul 10.00 WIB di Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (24/2/2023). Tingginya curah hujan yang mengguyur kawasan Puncak, Bogor sempat membuat ketinggian muka air sungai Ciliwung di Bendung Katulampa, Bogor naik mencapai 100 centimeter atau Siaga 3 pada Jumat (24/2/2023) pukul 1.11 WIB. /Antara/Arif Firmansyah

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - The Katulampa water gate in Bogor, West Java, has set a flash flood alarm on alert level 3 as the water level reached 110 centimeters on Sunday evening, February 26, 2023. The Katulampa watergate is part of the early warning flood system for the Jakarta region.

The official overseeing Katulampa watergate, Andi Sudirman, told reporters that the increased water level is mainly due to the heightened rainfall over Puncak and Bogor last week. The flush of water is expected to hit the capital city early Monday morning.

"The evenly spread rain over Puncak and Bogor, which are upstream of Ciliwung, contributed to the higher water volume this evening," said Andi Sudirman.

Andi Sudirman also voiced his concern about the incessant rain over Puncak Bogor, which could potentially cause the water level to rise even more. This would eventually result in a large amount of water hitting Jakarta, causing flooding on Monday.

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"The rising or dropping water volume will depend on the situation at Puncak." "Residents in Jakarta are advised to prepare for potential flooding," he told reporters.

Meanwhile, five flood monitoring posts in Jakarta have set an alarm for potential flooding at Manggarai BKB, PA Karet, Pasar Ikan, and Hunter Sulu. Alongside the Katulampa watergate, the posts are alerted on level 3 as the water level rises simultaneously in those areas.

Manggarai flood monitoring station has seen 500-centimeter water rise on Monday morning, February 27, 2023. Furthermore, the Pasar Ikan flood monitoring post has also noticed a 193-centimeter water rise at the same time.

The regional Disaster Mitigation Department (BPBD) has also corrected its early flood warning from 07:00 to 10:00 local time as the high intensity of rainfall continues.

The flood in Jakarta is a big part of its citizens’ everyday problems since the capital city of Indonesia lies in a low, flat basin, averaging 7 meters above sea level; 40% of Jakarta, particularly the northern areas, is below sea level, while the southern parts are comparatively hilly.

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