Foreign Tourists Violating Rules To Be Deported Back to Their Origin Countries

Sejumlah turis asing mengendarai sepeda motor tanpa mengenakan helm di Jalan Sunset Road, Kuta, Badung, Bali, Selasa (28/2/2023). Beberapa waktu terakhir,  warganet ramai membahas oknum turis asing yang berulah dan berkelakuan buruk di Bali.
Sejumlah turis asing mengendarai sepeda motor tanpa mengenakan helm di Jalan Sunset Road, Kuta, Badung, Bali, Selasa (28/2/2023). Beberapa waktu terakhir, warganet ramai membahas oknum turis asing yang berulah dan berkelakuan buruk di Bali. /Antara/Nyoman Hendra Wibowo

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - The recent trend of tourists working without immigration permits and using fake license plates has angered the Indonesian public and sparked controversy. The Indonesian public is calling for officials to take assertive action against tourists who do not comply with local rules.

Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, asserted that foreign tourists in Bali who violate immigration rules can be deported according to regulations in Indonesia.

"If they violate the rules, they can be deported, and we will deport them," said Edward Omar at the ‘Kumham Goes To Campus’ event at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta.

Furthermore, Edward Omar confirmed that officials from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights are conducting a full investigation into the violations committed by foreign tourists in Bali, including those who work illegally.

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"Please understand that we are conducting an investigation; everything will be done in accordance with procedures and regulations," Edward Omar Sharif appealed.

He further ensured that the Indonesian government always strives to enforce regulations and create security for the local community and tourists who visit Bali. The Indonesian government will take strict action against tourists who violate any regulations, such as using fake ID cards, abusing residence permits, and working illegally.

"The investigation is ongoing, and we will respond soon," Eddy explained.

On the other hand, the Head of the Immigration Division of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office in Bali, Barron Ichsan, revealed that from January to March, about 22 foreign tourists in Bali have been detained and convicted by immigration for violating regulations. Of the 22 people, Russian citizens are the most frequent offenders.

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