184 Rohingya Immigrants Forced to Swim Ashore and Left Stranded in Aceh

Sejumlah pengungsi etnis Rohingya berada di penampungan sementara di Kuala Matang Peulawi, Kecamatan Peureulak, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Aceh, Senin (27/3/2023). Sebanyak 184 orang pengungsi etnis Rohingya yang terdiri dari 94 orang laki-laki, 70 orang wanita dan 20 orang anak-anak terdampar di Kuala Matang Peulawi, Kecamatan Peureulak, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Aceh dan diturunkan dari kapal pada pukul 04:00 WIB.
Sejumlah pengungsi etnis Rohingya berada di penampungan sementara di Kuala Matang Peulawi, Kecamatan Peureulak, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Aceh, Senin (27/3/2023). Sebanyak 184 orang pengungsi etnis Rohingya yang terdiri dari 94 orang laki-laki, 70 orang wanita dan 20 orang anak-anak terdampar di Kuala Matang Peulawi, Kecamatan Peureulak, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Aceh dan diturunkan dari kapal pada pukul 04:00 WIB. /Antara/Hayaturrahmah

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - As many as 184 Rohingya Muslim citizens from Myanmar are stranded in the waters of Peureulak, specifically in Kuala Matang Peulawi, Peureulak District, East Aceh Regency. Fuadi, the Keuchik (village head) of Gampong Matang Peulawi, informed the reporters that they became stranded on Monday, March 27, 2023, at around 4.00 a.m. local time.

"After receiving reports from several fishermen, we and other village officials checked the location. It turned out to be true, 184 Rohingya immigrants had landed," Fuadi said.

Fuadi then reported the incident to the police for further action. Meanwhile, the whereabouts of the ship carrying them are still unknown.

"Currently, they are being taken and secured at the Raudahatul Jannah Mosque Complex in Matang Peulawi. Next, they will be counted, and the number is 184 people," Fuadi explained.

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Meanwhile, Peureulak Police Chief Iptu Supriadi said that out of the 184 Rohingya immigrants, 94 were men, 70 were women, and 20 were children.

"Based on the confession of a Rohingya immigrant who could speak Malay, they were deliberately forced off the ship they were on at sea and then swam to the shore," said Supriadi.

Then, local villagers found out and reported it to the Peureulak Police Station. After receiving the report, officers rushed to the location and evacuated the Rohingya immigrants to the local mosque complex.

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"There were several people who had to be treated by medical personnel because they had a fever and stomach ache." "Some of them tried to escape, but they have been apprehended," said Supriadi.

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