Shocking Discovery of Unidentified Man’s Body Hanging on Cimindi Flyover, Police Conduct Investigation

Tim Inafis Polrestabes Bandung melakukan olah TKP penemuan jasad pria tanpa identitas di Flyover Cimindi. Pikiran Rakyat/Mochamad Iqbal Maulud
Tim Inafis Polrestabes Bandung melakukan olah TKP penemuan jasad pria tanpa identitas di Flyover Cimindi. Pikiran Rakyat/Mochamad Iqbal Maulud

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - An unidentified man’s body was found hanging on Cimindi Flyover, Bandung City, on early Friday morning, 28 June, 2024. Due to this incident, the roads around the location are severely jammed.

This severe traffic jam occurred because the flyover and its surroundings were crowded crossing areas between Bandung City and Cimahi City where lots of residents passed by this area.

The Indonesian Automatic Fingerprint System (Inafis) team of the Bandung Big City Resort Police (Polrestabes) conducted a Crime Scene at the location. Meanwhile, the body of the unidentified man has been evacuated to Sartika Asih Hospital on Jalan Moh Toha, Bandung City.

Andir sector police supervisory officer, Iptu Ano Sumarno, said officers received information about this incident from the public. He said that the officers went directly to the location.

"I received the information from the public and directly went to the crime scene this morning," he said who was met at the location on Friday, June 28, 2024.

Ano said that the man’s identity is still under investigation. When he arrived at the crime scene, Ano noted the man’s condition was hanging on the flyover.

Tim Inafis Polrestabes Bandung melakukan olah TKP penemuan jasad pria tanpa identitas di Flyover Cimindi. Pikiran Rakyat/Mochamad Iqbal Maulud
Tim Inafis Polrestabes Bandung melakukan olah TKP penemuan jasad pria tanpa identitas di Flyover Cimindi. Pikiran Rakyat/Mochamad Iqbal Maulud

“Regarding the identity, the Inafis Polrestabes Bandung are still investigating,” he said.

According to Ano, there is no signs of violence have been found on the victim’s body so far. However, the police are still investigating.

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