Tragic Sea Accident at Pangandaran Beach Claims Life

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Disclaimer: This article is an editorial that highlights the problems in Indonesia today

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - The holiday season is coming upon us, local tourists are choosing to head to Pangandaran Beach. However, there is tragic news from Pangandaran Beach at the end of June.

A sea accident occurred at Pangandaran Beach, in front of Pondok Seni on Sunday, 30 June 2024. This accident caused a tourist from Bandung drowned and three other victims are currently undergoing treatment at Pandega Hospital, Pangandaran.

The victims had received first aid from the Pangandaran Regency Tirta Tourism Rescue Agency (Balawisata). However, one of the three drowning victims could not be helped while receiving medical treatment at the hospital and was declared dead.

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This accident begin when the victim intended to help two visitors who were dragged by the waves, but the victim was dragged to the centre.

Head of Pangandaran Police Polairud Ipda Anang Tri confirmed that there have been several accidents in the Pangandaran beach area on Sunday, 30 june 2024, including a sea accident that resulted in a fatality.

"It happened when the victim intended to help two visitors who were dragged by the waves, but the victim was dragged to the middle," he said.

Yusuf, who was at the scene at the time, said he saw a visitor being swept away by the waves. Haris, who was on the beach at the time, tried to help the victim.

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