Indonesia Bans Imported Used Clothing, Thrifting Culture Disrupts Domestic Textile Industry

Pedagang menata pakaian impor bekas dagangannya di Pasar Senen, Jakarta, Jumat (17/2/2023). Penjualan baju impor bekas masih banyak diminati masyarakat karena selain harganya lebih murah, secara kualitas juga masih layak pakai, meski adanya larangan dari pemerintah terkait impor pakaian bekas karena berisiko terhadap kesehatan dan merusak industri dalam negeri. ANTARA FOTO/Fauzan/foc.
Pedagang menata pakaian impor bekas dagangannya di Pasar Senen, Jakarta, Jumat (17/2/2023). Penjualan baju impor bekas masih banyak diminati masyarakat karena selain harganya lebih murah, secara kualitas juga masih layak pakai, meski adanya larangan dari pemerintah terkait impor pakaian bekas karena berisiko terhadap kesehatan dan merusak industri dalam negeri. ANTARA FOTO/Fauzan/foc. /Antara/Fauzan

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) banned the import of used clothing. According to him, the import business of used clothing greatly disrupts the domestic textile industry. Therefore, he has requested that the business be investigated and addressed.

"I have ordered to investigate thoroughly. And within a day or two, many have been found. It is very disturbing for the textile industry in the country. Very disrupting," said Jokowi after attending the inauguration of the opening of 'Business Matching' for domestic products in 2023.

Jokowi explained that used clothing is a prohibited item to be imported based on Minister of Trade Regulation Number 18 of 2021 as amended by Minister of Trade Regulation Number 40 of 2022 concerning Changes to Minister of Trade Regulation Number 18 of 2021 Concerning Prohibited Export and Import Goods.

Furthermore, Jokowi revealed that imported goods will disrupt the development of the domestic textile industry. "The import of used clothing is disruptive. It is very disruptive to our domestic industry," he emphasized.

Baca Juga: Mendag Zulkifli Hasan Akan Bakar Baju Bekas Impor Senilai Rp30 Miliar

As a follow-up to the President's orders, Indonesian Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan will destroy imported used clothing worth Rp30 billion on Friday, March 17, 2023, in Pekanbaru, Riau Province. The destruction is carried out following criticism of the sale of used clothing, which is considered to harm the domestic textile industry.

"I have received seized imported used clothing in Pekanbaru; tomorrow I will burn them, and I want to go there and burn them too," said Zulkifli Hasan.

The Indonesian government prohibits its citizens from using imported, used clothing because it can carry diseases and have unguaranteed sanitation.

"The value of the collected items is approximately Rp 30 billion. "Details tomorrow," said Zulkifli Hasan.

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