Justice Collaborator Richard Eliezer Sentenced to One Year and Six Months in Prison

Terdakwa kasus pembunuhan Brigadir Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadir J, Richard Eliezer alias Bharada E divonis 1 tahun 6 bulan penjara oleh Majelis Hakim PN Jakarta Selatan, Rabu, 15 Februari 2023.
Terdakwa kasus pembunuhan Brigadir Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadir J, Richard Eliezer alias Bharada E divonis 1 tahun 6 bulan penjara oleh Majelis Hakim PN Jakarta Selatan, Rabu, 15 Februari 2023. /Antara/Sigid Kurniawan

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu, who executed Brigadier J in a high-profile case of premeditated murder involving former Indonesian General Police Ferdy Sambo, was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison.

"Sentenced the defendant Richard Eliezer to one year and six months in prison," said Chief of Judges Panel Wahyu Iman Santoso on February 15, 2023 in District Court of South Jakarta.

Richard Eliezer was convincingly and legally found guilty of violating the penal codes of article 340, its subsidiary article 338, and article 55, paragraph 1, of the Indonesian Law Codes (KUHP). The verdict was lighter than the prosecutors’ demand to impose 12 years' imprisonment due to mitigating factors the judges considered.

"The mitigating factor that lowered the defendant's sentence was that he collaborated in unraveling the case," said Wahyu Iman Santoso.

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Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu was a second patrolman who was ordered by Ferdy Sambo to gun down Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat (Brigadier J), in the premeditated murder case. Brigadier J was accused of rape by Ferdy Sambo’s wife, Putri Candrawathi, prior to his execution.

The rape accusation was then denied by the judges' panel due to the unconvincing evidence presented by Ferdy Sambo’s lawyer.

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The case was initially decided on the basis of self-defense against the aggressor, who was caught red-handed in a rape attempt.After several investigations, Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu pleaded guilty and dismantled the initial scenario masterminded by Ferdy Sambo.

The 24-year-old patrolman filed a formal request to be a justice collaborator, aiding authorities to investigate the case. The case was then ruled a premeditated murder involving a two-star police general and became a high-profile scandal that struck the police institution as a whole.

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