Benhil Takjil Market Jakarta, Satisfy your Iftar with Authentic Indonesian Cuisine 

Pedagang melayani pembeli makanan untuk berbuka puasa (takjil) di Pasar Takjil Bendungan Hilir (Benhil), Jakarta, Kamis (23/3/2023). Pasar musiman selama bulan suci Ramadhan tersebut sejak 1985 hingga sekarang menjadi pusat berburu beraneka ragam jajanan dan masakan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia sebagai menu buka puasa
Pedagang melayani pembeli makanan untuk berbuka puasa (takjil) di Pasar Takjil Bendungan Hilir (Benhil), Jakarta, Kamis (23/3/2023). Pasar musiman selama bulan suci Ramadhan tersebut sejak 1985 hingga sekarang menjadi pusat berburu beraneka ragam jajanan dan masakan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia sebagai menu buka puasa /Antara/Aditya Pradana Putra

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - The Benhil Takjil Market in Jakarta has become a popular destination for tourists who want to taste authentic Indonesian cuisine during Ramadhan 2023. The market, which specializes in break-fast food or iftar, reopened on the first day of Ramadhan 2023 with approximately 50 traditional Indonesian food stands.

According to Eka Luthfiana, a 27-year-old vendor, the Benhil Takjil Market is a unique attraction as it is only available during Ramadan. Buyers from all over Jakarta flock to the market to indulge in typical break-fast foods such as oncom and lontong stuffed with chicken.

Vendors begin setting up their stalls at 1.00 PM, and all of the stands offer a variety of traditional Indonesian foods, including gudeg, satay, chicken, lotek, cendol, and more.

Irma, a 47-year-old vendor from the surrounding area, revealed that various fried foods and bubur sumsum, a type of rice pudding, are the favorites among buyers.

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The Benhil Takjil Market accommodates several MSME vendors, who are supported by the surrounding community.  The vendors have implemented transaction methods with QRIS, which makes it easier for buyers to order various types of traditional food.

One satisfied buyer from Kalibata, South Jakarta, Bambang (53), said that the food at the Takjil Benhil Market has its own unique characteristics and is more delicious compared to other takjil.

The Benhil Takjil Market has been a part of Jakarta's culinary scene since 1985 and is located at the Bendungan Hilir Market in Central Jakarta.

What sets it apart is that the market is only open during the holy month of Ramadan every year, and only from 2.00 PM to 7.00 PM.

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