Indonesia's Armed Force Denies Involvement in the Bombing of KKB Papua

Ilustrasi bom.
Ilustrasi bom. /Pixabay/kalhh

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Colonel Kav Herman Taryaman, the spokesperson for Kapendam Cenderawasih, refuted the allegations that the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and National Police (Polri) were responsible for the bombing attack in Nduga Regency, Papua Pegunungan. It is suspected that Armed Criminal Groups (KKB) have disseminated false information via social media and online platforms.

"It is not true that the TNI-Polri carried out bombings in Nduga because it is a hoax or a lie," said Colonel Kav Herman Taryaman on Wednesday.

Kapendam XVII Cenderawasih emphasized in his statement that the safety of Susi Air pilot Philips Marks Mehrtens and the public is always their top priority. Therefore, TNI-Polri could not have carried out the bombing. Colonel Kav Herman Taryaman stated that TNI-Polri works professionally and carefully.

On the other hand, KKB is suspected of fabricating a story that they are victims (playing the victim), while in fact, KKB has been responsible for committing violent acts and killings against civilians, motorcycle taxi drivers, health workers, construction workers, and even security forces who were carrying out a search and rescue operation for Susi Air Captain Philip Marks Mehtrens.

Baca Juga: Jenazah Prajurit TNI yang Jadi Korban KKB Papua Bakal Dipulangkan ke Kampung Halamannya pada Senin Besok

Herman hoped that KKB would release Philip Mark Mehrten immediately so that there would be no more military operations in Nduga and the community could resume their activities as usual.

Herman expressed hope that KKB would release Philip Mark Mehrten immediately to avoid further military operations in Nduga and to enable the community to resume their usual activities.

A pilot from New Zealand named Phillip Mark Marten is believed to have been held captive by KKB led by Egianus Kogoya since February 7, 2023, after landing his plane at Paro airport.

Baca Juga: Pilot Susi Air Muncul dalam Video dan Minta Aparat Indonesia Tak Pakai Bom, Polisi: Itu Propaganda KKB

Commissioner Donny Charles Go, the Head of Public Information for the Cartenz 2023 Peace Operation Task Force, has acknowledged a statement from Phillip Mark Marten, a Susi Air pilot from New Zealand who is suspected of being held captive by the KKB.

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